Yes, it’s been a while since the last release, but we haven’t been completely idle. There’s a brand new top shelf Cocoa frontend to make life far more pleasant for OSX users, and a host of compatibility fixes.
Head on over to the download page and check it out!
* edit (09-apr-2012) – the win32 binary was updated to remove the console window which was accidentally left enabled
* edit (18-apr-2012) – the win32 nosse2 binary was updated to fix it so that it was actually what it says it is
* edit (29-jul-2012) – the OSX version doesn’t work in mountain lion. youll get sound but no video. we’ll post an update here when we have a solution for you.
Oh, found it. Thanks for the reply!
works great only problem im having is with final fantasy 3 ar codes for some reason it will not disable cheat when i reset the emulator
Very good.
Why don’t you make a version for linux (ubuntu)? It will helps a lot!
Hello, I love the newest version, it works wonderfully on my mac, only a few speed issues and closing out other programs tends to help but I’m having a problem with a game called Chrono Trigger; where it requires you to press and hold L, R and A at the same time in front of a console in order to progress I am getting no response for doing so. Is there something that I need to do to get this to work?
Skye, pressing three buttons at the same time should work. However, certain input devices may limit the number of inputs they send to the computer, and thus fail to register all three inputs.
If pressing three buttons at the same time fails with the Apple keyboard, then this is something I’d like to investigate. If this is your case, make a post on our Support forums about this issue, and we can work it out from there.
We’ve heard of this before. Its positively the keyboard’s fault. Try plugging in an external keyboard, or binding your keys differnetly; eventually youll find a combination of 3 keys that your keyboard will let you enter simultaneously.
Thank you, it was definitely a keyboard issue, I scanned through some other forums and someone had said to change the L&R bindings to V and B, (A was assigned to Z) which for some reason worked, though I’m not sure why since no other 3 key combination worked. Hopefully this will help someone else in the future who’s having a similar problem.
Playing pokemon black… encountered problem… In 2 on 2 battles, the battle menu is somehow messed up… Won’t happen in 1 vs 1 battle… Not tested yet in 3 on 3 battle…
It also won’t happen in DeSmuME ver. 0.9.8…
Typo… It won’t happen in version 0.9.7…
DeSmuMe team, thanks for this great emulator.
I look forward to your Nintendo 3DS emulator…
thanks for an awesome emulator!!!!
its a way cooler than vba…..
all new fantastic features !!!!
love it!!!
it’s superb
dude , thx for the emulator ! ^o^
I downloaded the emulator, so that I can play Castlevania: Order of Eclessia, but when I open the rom, it shows nothing. Really confused here, would really help if you could tell me what I am doing wrong
I have a problem bro, i pressed something and a group of numbers dont stop from ascending and its so much embarrasing me.. please help me remove it T_T
Albert, which OS are you using?
Did DeSmuME 0.9.8 work on Windows 8 yet? I want to know. If it work on Windows 8, it great or not – failure. Windows 8 is already leak to internet. It will release on October 26, 2012. Windows Vista, 7 and 8 have similar kernel core like 6.x? Windows Vista (6.0), Windows 7 (6.1), Windows 8 (6.2) Wait and see.
kernel version is irrelevant. it works fine in windows 8. better start downloading.
Thank you so much. For years I’ve been stuck playing with No$GBA. It couldn’t render many roms, sure, but Desmume used to make my computer working too hard. Laggy sound, music, and video. I didn’t enjoy it. I switched to iDeas, it was even worse.
Couple months ago, I tried 0.9.6 version for Mac but it’s still laggy. Plus for some reasons, there is not enough preferences and settings. I think 0.9.8 is a great update of Desmume Mac version. I only wish that the manual included since I still try to figure out what “Emulation” tab is for. I know most people won’t use it, but I am just wondering if I can improve the performance or.. simply experimenting.
All in all, many thanks.
i downloaded this and opend a rom and all i get is a whight screen how can i fix this. i can hear the audio but i cant see the vid?
Cobalt Blue, you should be able to mouseover all of the options to see what they do.
The Emulation tab actually contains the most important option for improving performance, which is the Advanced Bus-Level Timing setting. But disabling this may also lower ROM compatibility, which is why it’s enabled by default.
You can also change the DS firmware settings using the Configure Internal Firmware button. This way, you won’t have to configure it every time.
These two options should account for most end-users’ needs. The rest of the options under the Emulation tab are meant for advanced users and developers.
i have problem with desmume 0.9.8, when i play pokemon conquest after few minutes my computer shutingdown by it self, i never experienced it before in earlier version of desmume (pokemon black/white, harvestmoon tales of two towns).. is the problem with the emulator or the Rom or my Computer?
the problem is with your computer. upgrade or downgrade your video drivers and blow the dust out of your fan
Cannot decide save file type??? i cant find the option which is there in ‘emulation setting’ of ver. 0.9.7
Um Well i have a mac and on one of my roms (Pokemon Black) i tried to use some codes but i dont know how to apply the codes and i tried but it didnt work
Please Help…..
also AWESOME UPDATE LOVIN IT!!!!! :):):):):) :DDDD
Hi, i’m currently trying to play both pokemon black and pokemon white using 0.9.8.(not at the same time of course.) But i’m still confused on how to change controller settings, or how to input Acton replay codes. I’m playing on a mac with os x lion if that helps, anyone know what to do?
i appreciate how much you have done to the world with this program but is there any way that you guys are able to bring in online so we can play games online. Thanks
i have a problem with pokemon black and white 2. When i try to run game its say “Desmume stop working” can anybody help me with that? what could be?
Wow, this Programm is great. Thank you dude for the great work!
is there a way to trade ur pokemon toa 2nd desmumes
i wanna trade some pokemon on my main Black version how can i sync 2 desmumes at same time ???
When I play pokemon diamond, it is very slow, like when I am talking to a trainer or when I am just traveling from town to town. But when I go to my bag, encounter a pokemon or fight a trainer, it goes back to normal. (I can tell, the sound is a big difference, I have a good sense of hearing) Can someone please explain why this happens and can you fix it?
I Love this Emulator , however, I been trying to FIX “Kingdom Hearts – Re-coded” Because it /randomly Slows down and Lags alot and then Comes back to normal, I already Try all the Guides / Videos online, I believe it is an “”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”EMULATOR PROBLEM !!!!!”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”
Please Verify this and maybe UPDATE to 0.9.9 Version ? would ROCK to be able to NOT LAG at all, other than that, it is BEST EMULATOR EVER !
Plays all CS
PLAYS Exceptionally WELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I <3 it !!!!!!!!!!!! Recomended to all my Friends and Stuff.
if ur playing a game like pokemon on this emulator can u trade pokemon from another computer
Puppy, no
kuroganashi, thats not an emulator problem i can run it fine without any slowdowns. try checking your settings or getting a better computer.
Is there any rumors on when desmume will release an emulator that works for mountain lion?
is there a way to speed up frme like vba?
I’ve always been a fan of DesMume. I’m not using 0.9.8 though I use 0.9.7 still cause it’s still great. As much as I’m trying my ******* hardest to get wifi and it fails with tutorials and everything, It’s still awesome with Pokemon Black/Black 2.
when will you fix the wifi settings so i cann trade pokemon !?
Thanks! Runs my version of Pokemon White 2 and New Super Mario Bros perfectly fine
i cant get pokemon white 2 towerdefense because its hard
Why does heartgold and soulsilver keep on randomly blackscreening? I need this answered. Thanks.
how to connect to wifi??? please help
Is local multiplayer supported in this version?
Why does my lag when I play the DeSmuME? I can’t play either of my Zelda games without it lagging, is their a way to fix it? If so please reply.