DeSmuME 0.9.7 released!

These bits may seem a bit stale to those of you who have been watching our SVN, as they were made in November 2010. Sorry it took so long to get released. A lot of testing and laziness were involved.

This version brings with it the usual assortment of core, graphics, and frontend fixes. Compatibility improvements are numerous, but there is a long way to go still.

Please note that a super OSX buildmaster would be a welcome addition to our team, as it is not really our area of expertise and continually gets short-changed due to lack of attention…

* edit (04-feb-2011) – the NOSSE2 build is posted
* edit (06-feb-2011) – the NOSSE2 build is re-posted since the previous one was a total fail.
* edit (30-apr-2011) – the OSX build is posted

262 Responses to “DeSmuME 0.9.7 released!”

  1. naruto7 says:

    now all u need to get it to do it be able to use wifi and it will be alot better

  2. Jerryortiz says:

    Tank you very much!!

  3. rogerman says:

    It seems like a lot of Mac users haven’t noticed that there is a Mac build for 0.9.7 on the sourceforge project page. You can find it here:

  4. zeromus says:

    because we didnt link to it because nobody told me that it was uploaded

  5. Drosfix says:

    the mac version (0.9.7) work realy well… The sound is still realy buggy, but the program look great. Will be fun to test it out more

  6. zeromus says:

    buggy sound may be user error and a failure of the cocoa gui to expose synchronous sound mode. we can’t know unless you say what the bug is and in which game.

  7. Face says:

    So is that 0.9.7 version for Mac not the official release? And if so is there just no movie record feature for it?

  8. rogerman says:

    zeromus is correct — Cocoa DeSmuME does not use any of the synchronous sound modes, which is the cause of the noise that you’re hearing. Some games don’t exhibit this behavior at all, while other games will do this often (but still intermittently).

    The easiest way to remedy the noise issue is to set the emulation speed to 1/4, and then reset the emulation speed to normal speed. Also, on some games, you can just let the game play out until the noise goes away on its own.

  9. domi says:

    thank you very much for the mac version !!

  10. DangeerousDragon says:

    Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia Eng
    This game cannot continuous to play in battle
    It is only working with DESmuME 0.9.4 :(

  11. rogerman says:

    The Mac version of 0.9.7 uses the Cocoa code from the 0.9.4 release, rather than the GTK code from 0.9.6. Therefore, there will be some missing features compared to 0.9.6. However, I do believe that the Cocoa version is better overall because the majority of the features are still there, and the Cocoa version is much more stable than the GTK version.

    The next two releases of Mac DeSmuMe will see the return of the majority of the missing features. Plus, the GUI will be MUCH MUCH MUCH nicer.

  12. kona says:

    Thank you very much for making one for the Mac. :D But I just came across an issue for the 0.9.7 one. I was trying to play a game that needed the 270 rotation. I did that, but apparently the emulator’s touch screen wasn’t on the right (where it supposed to be), but on the left, and the buttons are reversed.

    Example: Let’s say the “back” button for the game is on the top left corner of the right-hand screen, but because of this problem, in order to click “back,” you’ll have to go to the left-hand screen’s bottom right corner…
    Thank you for reading.

  13. beleni says:

    does desmume support SSE3 and mmx?

  14. guest86 says:

    DeSmuME support SSE2 & MMX and above. That’s all.

    Pentium 4, D and Core Duo, Quad, and Core i3, i5, i7 are fine. If AMD support SSE2 or higher, game will run. :)

    I own 11 years old computer with Pentium 4 1.6 GHz and work fine on DeSmuME 0.9.7. Not to worry about it. ;)

    Any news for DeSmuME 0.9.8 or newer yet?

    I still playing Minecraft game on my PC and really fun. Can’t wait for Minecraft Beta 1.7 come out! :P

  15. beleni says:

    thanks for info

  16. v1ct0r says:

    I just transfered my save file actually via save state from 0.9.6 to 0.9.7 – added the .DST extension from the 0.9.6 save state and now I can play Pkm White more smoothly.

    Thanks guys.

  17. Zane Charles says:

    Can you make it where the emulator doesnt slow down when using the memory editor, and using the code search being the ram search and the cheats search. Also it would be nice if when testing codes to make or/and use for everyday use that you can select all codes you enter in the list area so you dont have to keep unchecking every single code one by one, a check mark all codes or uncheck mark all codes, or select all codes to delete, rather then having to delete them one by one if you dont need them. Also the sound could be fix knowing some songs regardless of how you config it make some songs sound like crap, im not complaining just sharing my view hoping theirs a new version in the works for these and other stuff, also would it be better to have a short cuts section for this emulator suppose as say a code hacker/code user I want say ram hacking next to search and list cheats make code hacking easier for me and other people, or to be able to get to the things other people can use it for shortcuts in emulator to edit controls and other stuff easier, so you dont have to go through all the tools, config, view, etc all the time. Thanks for listening this is a great emulator! Also not 100% sure but I hope if it doesnt that this emulator can or is in the works to play nintendo 3ds games ie legend of zelda newer one that came out this june, “never played nintendo ds 3d roms on it, but just saying!

  18. Dani says:

    Amm excuse me it doesn’t work for Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals u.u it just goes lag u.u I hope next version of desmume will do the work thank you

  19. Flavio says:

    Hi! ive downloaded versions 0.9.7 for x86 and x64… im using windows 7 x64… with the x64 version the mic is not working and even it crash some games… with the x86 version it runs great!… is there any way to fix this for the x64 version? Thanks and sorry for my english xD

  20. momo says:

    hopefully they make it a universal binary

  21. Atle says:

    Desmume can not under any circumstances load a working .wav file, for blowing out candles in Phantom Hourglass.
    Disappointing :(

  22. Al3x says:

    Thanks a shitload. Keep up the good work.

  23. DD says:

    This updated version is not working as great as the old one because when I change the view 270 degrees, the “stylus” does not work. :(

  24. Matty says:

    DeSmuMe seems to be freezing when i play Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus. I got up to a certain point and it would just say it’s paused but then never allows me to un-pause it. Anyone else have this issue of perma pauses with anything they have run?

  25. Alex says:

    I use the 0.9.7 version for mac and wasn’t havin any problems with it until today. It has closed on me twice in the past 10mins. Any suggestions?

  26. Michael Lau says:

    Here are few suggestions/problems for Mac OS X version…
    1) where is the config setting?
    2) some image disappeared, yet tested they actually exist
    3) cheat code???

  27. Team Fial says:

    I can’t seem to get some of my LUA scripts working anymore. :\

  28. miguel says:

    Any news for DeSmuME 0.9.8 or newer yet?

    I still playing Minecraft game on my PC and really fun. Can’t wait for Minecraft Beta 1.7 come out!

  29. Asphodel Alphonse Kirby says:

    Can anyone help me… I have 2 problems:

    1. In no$GBA, i cant play pokemon soulsilver cause it says a problem about cartridege and saving stuff… So i cant start the game… I read sumthing days ago about codes and instruction for this problem… can anyone help me?

    2. In DeSmuME, i downloaded this 0.9.7 but i dont know how to start this thing… Its like i donwloaded the patch only (or is it just me). Cant find the icon that runs it… Can anyone tell me how?


  30. no$gba says:

    when’s 0.9.8 coming out?

  31. Raffael says:

    hi! thank you so much for your Desmume Version for Mac!

    I’m wondering if you’ll make it possible for us mac users to insert cheat codes on this version, I really can’t find where i should load them!

    thank you again!

  32. AISHWARYA says:

    Want to change the game language.if your game support different game language .Then you can change game rom language in DesmuMe 0.9.7

    1>Go to (CONFIG) in menu.
    2>Then go to (FIRMWARE SETTING).
    3>Then go to (LANGUAGE) option.
    4>There will be six different languages for the game rom
    5>Select any 1 language you want.
    6>(Open) or (Reset) game rom.
    your game language will be changed if it support.

  33. deyes says:

    Hey, I’m using the Mac version and.. I don’t know anything about this stuff (really, all I’m good for is downloading lol). So, I don’t see any sound options so I was wondering if that’s not possible yet or I installed a wrong file.
    Basically, the games I tried to play have horrible sound cracking (The World Ends With You, Chrono Trigger, Radiant Historia), and I wanted to know if that’s just because mac is a bitch for these things, or if there’s anything I can do with any sort of settings to fix that? They play fine besides that it seems.
    Oh I’m using the mid-2009 model Macbook Pro.

  34. Bill says:

    I just downloaded 0.9.7 and how do you use cheat codes on mac? in previous versions it was under emulate but it isn’t anymore. where do i have to go to enter the codes?

  35. enbario says:

    will the next OSX build support action replay codes?

  36. Jhon591 says:

    Any change of applying the auto AP patching to the RAM memory ? – so if we use the decompressed arm9 original to compare the get the correct AP fix to use for the ARM9 – when recompressing into ROM.

    Would be a good idea if possiable.

    Done a flashcard use auto AP patching also, shame it could not dump the RAM while game is loading .

  37. George says:

    What versions of OSX are supported? I assume 10.6 and 10.7

  38. Vincentmrl says:

    I’m sad about the mac version, the best version is 0.9.3 (for mac), the new ones are slower (but have higher compatibility), 0.9.3 goes from 50 to 60 fps (or 45 to 50) but 0.9.7 is a lot laggy, a better version of desmume would be appreciated :D

  39. Julie says:

    Hello!! I downloaded the Mac release and one problem I came across was if I rotated the screen of the game, the controls and mouse-click no longer correlated to the game options. But the DeSmuME 0.9.6. version has this feature!! Just thought I’d point that out. (In hopes that this could be resolved… :P)

  40. ksa says:

    Can you create a version for for Ipad2 please ?
    cuz we need to play pokemon in the ipad a big multi-touch screen

  41. Richard says:

    DeSmuME is very cool, but is too slower. my pc is Core Duo 4 GB RAM….more fps in new DesmuME 0.9.8 please? =)

  42. Joe says:

    It keeps freezing when i get into a battle in pokemon, its sad i can no longer continue the game i had going

  43. Robinson says:

    Hey… there’s a problem with the Mac version. I’m trying to play Brain Age, and it uses the 270º rotation. The problem is the click sensor is not 270º, but 90º. For example, to click on button “Quick Play” on top right corner, I have to click on bottom left corner…
    On 0.9.4 it doesn’t happen, so I think its a bug. Thanks a lot!

  44. maxheath says:

    nice……Thank you.

  45. rogerman says:

    Robinson, in v0.9.7 Mac, there is a known bug about touch points not mapping correctly on rotated screens. This bug will be fixed in the next Mac DeSmuME release.

  46. paty says:

    when 0.9.8 comes out ?

  47. Guest says:

    I know that there is a “lockdown” feature to stop the window from being moved and resized, but is there a way to just stop the window from being resized and let it be moved.

  48. thanhi says:

    i used desmume 0.9.6 and ‘ve played tales of heart & tales of innocent, so it’s works well with save state, but cant load with save-in-game … most need for new game (unlock mode) , could some1 show me how to fix this….???
    i used desmume 0.9.7 and same problem

  49. Jc Young says:

    have you tried putting the your desmume in the Desktop instead in another file because it will be considered as an app instead of just another program.