This new release introduces lots of bug corrections, improvements and new features: among them are new save autodetection, new save file format and full rerecording support.
For those wondering about the missing 0.9.3 version, we somehow lost it ; it got captured by hunters that thought it was a new p*kem*n.
And also, the download page now links to an 0.9.4 OSX Universal binary.
there was a typo and I corrected it – it is not double posting.
Anyway, I have no choice but to reply as it is my bug post.
oh lol then :D. Anyways im waiting for wi-fi and the boot from firmware thing to work now
and sorry 4 my engles
have you tried encrypting your rom for the “boot from firmware” option?
does it work?
Yes i encrypted my rom but nothing only white screen.
I guess we will have to wait for the developer to fix that portion.
But it doesn’t really matter if that option doesn’t work.
I know but i looks like a real DS
Pokemon in-game trading is working in the latest svn.
Really? Yes, now i will trade my pokes!!!
Pokefan can you tell me what i need to trade my pokes? i have the 2926 svn for now (i get the latest as it is available :D) and i have pokemon platinum (E)
You just need the latest svn (2924 or newer) to do in-game trading (nothng special). Of course you must know your game to go to the right place to trade (I assume you know where).
hoho a lot of work today! (lol 10 files updated from svn 2926 to 2929!). Thanks for the emulator!!! And keep the good work
Thanks again Pokefan and yes i know where to trade
Hi, is Desmume still alive? It is by far the best emu for DS games. Keep up the great work if it is still alive…
Yeah, it had been sometime now since last release. Hope this emulator still alive!
Sorry for being a bit dumb, does this emulator support rendering using only SDL (If it does, I wanna make some ports for mobile phones)
Thanks in Advance for the answer
The emulator is alive and keeps updating very often (every hour-hours). Howewer you need to know how to compile and downloading from svn to have the latest svn of DeSmuME.
Well, there are a few problems. 1) It oversizes certain graphics, and 2) it needs more support for menus involving name-changes and such.
Other than that, I generally don’t see other problems uther than lack of speed, but that’s understandable.
Well, I had compiled DeSmuMe SVN R2930 yesterday. At first I was going to share it but I don’t know where can I upload it. Anyway, the SVN Builds of this emulator keeps updating every day, so good!
Great, now I know how to compile it! Now I had updated my source code and re-compile it, I had got the latest SVN Build! This is like the first step in programming world!
Hey, I just installed Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition and downloaded desmume/trunk/src folder off the project page… well, I compiled the source code (teh latest svn build) and then I got this error message – something about missing LNP or LNK stuff, please halp me
wtf wheres my comment!!!
uhh BIG sorry 1 minute ago i dident saw my comment and now i can see it again!!! Wierd Google Chrome or something…..
Hey I can’t see your comment on my firefox
Should I download the whole source code? Even those tags/branches folders? I don’t like wasting my bandwidth
It’s huge! 145mb?!!!
Dean: It’s moderated out, we don’t tolerate SVN builds here.
Another successful compilation. Updated to SVN R2938! I think compiling from SVN builds is easier than compiling from the current oficial version.
Where can I download the source code????????? I read the FAQ but it doesn’t specify the place where I can download!!!!! HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME!!!!!!!
FlashForward_FAN: I don’t know, I use the SVN Client to download the latest SVN Build source code. Maybe you can also try google it and you should find the downloads for that.
uh sorry then. Flash you need to download the files from here: and im sure you know what to do next.
Ok, I have downloaded the source code (Trunk folder only) as you said.
When I try to compile this source code, I get this:
1>zziplib-2005-x32.lib(dir.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB ‘vc80.pdb’ was not found with ‘.\zziplib\zziplib-2005-x32.lib’ or at ‘D:\DS & GBA Emulators\Emulators\DS Emulators\DeSmuMe Source Code\trunk\trunk\desmume\src\windows\__bins\vc80.pdb’; linking object as if no debug info
1>zziplib-2005-x32.lib(err.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB ‘vc80.pdb’ was not found with ‘.\zziplib\zziplib-2005-x32.lib’ or at ‘D:\DS & GBA Emulators\Emulators\DS Emulators\DeSmuMe Source Code\trunk\trunk\desmume\src\windows\__bins\vc80.pdb’; linking object as if no debug info
1>zziplib-2005-x32.lib(file.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB ‘vc80.pdb’ was not found with ‘.\zziplib\zziplib-2005-x32.lib’ or at ‘D:\DS & GBA Emulators\Emulators\DS Emulators\DeSmuMe Source Code\trunk\trunk\desmume\src\windows\__bins\vc80.pdb’; linking object as if no debug info
1>zziplib-2005-x32.lib(plugin.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB ‘vc80.pdb’ was not found with ‘.\zziplib\zziplib-2005-x32.lib’ or at ‘D:\DS & GBA Emulators\Emulators\DS Emulators\DeSmuMe Source Code\trunk\trunk\desmume\src\windows\__bins\vc80.pdb’; linking object as if no debug info
1>zziplib-2005-x32.lib(zip.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB ‘vc80.pdb’ was not found with ‘.\zziplib\zziplib-2005-x32.lib’ or at ‘D:\DS & GBA Emulators\Emulators\DS Emulators\DeSmuMe Source Code\trunk\trunk\desmume\src\windows\__bins\vc80.pdb’; linking object as if no debug info
1>Embedding manifest…
1>Build log was saved at “file://D:\DS & GBA Emulators\Emulators\DS Emulators\DeSmuMe Source Code\trunk\trunk\desmume\src\windows\.VS2008\Release\Win32\BuildLog.htm”
1>DeSmuME_VS2008 – 0 error(s), 5 warning(s)
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
What did I do wrong? I use Visual C++ 2008 EE (without this MSDN library thingy). My OS is visa. My cpu is intel core 2 duo e6550 with SSe2 support.
I get those warnings too, but they don’t affect the build process. It should still be successful and you should see the Desmume_VS2008_release.exe or something in the _bins folder.
If you look at the end of that build log you just posted, it says “Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped”. That means that it went through alright. If you see “1 failed” that means that it didn’t compile correctly and there’s a problem somewhere in the code.
Ok thanks
I figured that you can get rid of these scary warnings.
Go to project property -> configuration setting -> Linker -> Debugging -> Change GENERAL DEBUG INFO to “NO”
One more thing, Why the console windows appears when I run Desmume_VS2008_release.exe??? How do I get rid of this? 0.9.4 doesn’t have this problem oO.
The reason I downloaded this latest svn is to play pokeman games
Cos they made the pal park working!!!!!
Gee men! Your work looks more like a poem than a program! As you are a grape of geniuses, tell me, don’t you ever wanna work on an emulator for GameCube? I’m sure it would be a great one? Tell me that you will!
Hoho another successful compilation! Updated to R2942!
I built a release solution from the latest svn, but when running *.exe, it opens up 2 windows – a desmume windows and a debug console windows
I don’t know how to disable this annoying debug console windows.
FlashForward_FAN: Afaik, it’s answered on the FAQ, else ask on the forums.
To the rest, stop the SVN compiling discussion here, discuss it on the forums: I’ll be deleting anything not strictly related to 0.9.4 and mac build, as this are COMMENTS for that.
FlashForward_FAN: Maybe there’s a solution in the build configuration. Try check it out.
When you will release 0.9.5? im just curius (throught im using only the svn one)
sourceforge wont download the file. it keeps saying it cant find the server and wont download. any other mirror i use doesnt give me the correct one. i am using a macbook pro. anyone who knows who knows how to fix this please email me at thank you.
Yeah, It’s had been months already since the release of 0.9.4. Hope 0.9.5 comes out before Christmas.
i play pokemon platinum (mac ver), there are still some slow moment (especially during the encounter of wild monster, & when ur doin any skill).u might want to fix this on the next release
whoa 8 new files added to my desmume folder and 10 files updated? wow you are working hard- good, you are better than some game developers!!! Thanks again!!! your emu is already better than no$gba and it gets better every second!!!
um strange thing: i can boot from firmware! and i can change and save the options too! in 2946 svn! Thank you!
The best emulator today! I can say that DeSmuMe is much much better than No$gba and ideas because it supports features in Pokemon D/P/PT that No$gba and ideas don’t support like Pal-Park, save states, and movie recording. You are the best! Thanks for this nice emulator and keep up your good work!
hmm the only things i want now is wi-fi (:D) and web camera (to be like Nintendo DSi
Dean, how do you get the firmware thingy working? oO I tried mine, I still get the white screen when loading an encrypted nds rom. Please reply. THanks.
I have to report a small bug in Mac version. The mute setting do not persist when reloading a previously saved state.
I Have done some things to DeSmuME :D. Now i can boot from firmware and change & Save the options in Firmware (like in real DS)!!! I Have created a nice installer for DeSmuME with those files and the svn 2952 and i have uploaded it but i cant post the link here! Please can i post the link somewhere? Its a beautiful installer
you will like it :D!!!
Dean: How many times do I’ve to say no?
OK,OK Calm down!