Yes, it’s been a while since the last release, but we haven’t been completely idle. There’s a brand new jit cpu core which yields some impressive speedups, and a ton of work on the OSX port!
Yes, it’s been a while since the last release, but we haven’t been completely idle. There’s a brand new jit cpu core which yields some impressive speedups, and a ton of work on the OSX port!
Is there any support for windows 8 RT(i.e the ARM version of windows)?
Yes,Also For Windows 8.1
how do i change through screens( Top screen, Bottom screen) while on fullscreen on mac
Click the video window you want to change. Then choose one of the various view options in the View menu.
To change between display modes, choose View > Display Mode.
Also, there is no fullscreen option in Mac DeSmuME v0.9.9. It is only available on unofficial SVN builds.
First off I can’t join the forums. The “Are you a human or robot” has me stuck. For CodeName I answered NTR, ntr, nitro, Nitro and for CPU Brand I Answered arm, ARM, Arm. None of these seem to be correct. either you have a script problem or I’m just dense..
Second I’m running osx 10.8 and am using 0.9.9. and I’m getting a white screen. I’ve been playing several games quite successfully for a few weeks, and out of nowhere today all I get is a white screen. I’ve tried disabling the cheats and messed with the configurations. which most likely made things worse. How can I completely remove all DeSmuME files from the computer so I can make a clean re-installation or how can I reset all my preferences?
Please admins shoot me an email if you get a chance.
thanks, forum was fixed
No prob.
P.s. Somehow I was in debug mode. This seemed to cause this White Screen of death problem i was having haha.
Thanks for the work on this project. It’s great!
To reset preferences:
- Delete the file “~/Library/Preferences/org.desmume.DeSmuME.plist”.
To delete all DeSmuME data:
1. In DeSmuME, choose File > Reveal Game Data Folder in Finder.
2. The game data folder should now be selected in the Finder. Delete this folder.
is this compatible for OSX mavericks already? if it’s not yet i’ll stick with lion :3
Of course v0.9.9 is compatible with OS X Mavericks.
oh cool..
i thought it’d have like compatibility thingies.. oh well thanks!