DeSmuME 0.9.9 released!

Yes, it’s been a while since the last release, but we haven’t been completely idle. There’s a brand new jit cpu core which yields some impressive speedups, and a ton of work on the OSX port!

152 Responses to “DeSmuME 0.9.9 released!”

  1. DSdude says:

    Is there any support for windows 8 RT(i.e the ARM version of windows)?

  2. zach says:

    how do i change through screens( Top screen, Bottom screen) while on fullscreen on mac

    • rogerman says:

      Click the video window you want to change. Then choose one of the various view options in the View menu.

      To change between display modes, choose View > Display Mode.

      Also, there is no fullscreen option in Mac DeSmuME v0.9.9. It is only available on unofficial SVN builds.

  3. BJ says:

    First off I can’t join the forums. The “Are you a human or robot” has me stuck. For CodeName I answered NTR, ntr, nitro, Nitro and for CPU Brand I Answered arm, ARM, Arm. None of these seem to be correct. either you have a script problem or I’m just dense..

    Second I’m running osx 10.8 and am using 0.9.9. and I’m getting a white screen. I’ve been playing several games quite successfully for a few weeks, and out of nowhere today all I get is a white screen. I’ve tried disabling the cheats and messed with the configurations. which most likely made things worse. How can I completely remove all DeSmuME files from the computer so I can make a clean re-installation or how can I reset all my preferences?

    Please admins shoot me an email if you get a chance.

  4. rogerman says:

    To reset preferences:
    - Delete the file “~/Library/Preferences/org.desmume.DeSmuME.plist”.

    To delete all DeSmuME data:
    1. In DeSmuME, choose File > Reveal Game Data Folder in Finder.
    2. The game data folder should now be selected in the Finder. Delete this folder.

  5. Lan21 says:

    is this compatible for OSX mavericks already? if it’s not yet i’ll stick with lion :3