We’re finally back!
This new release fixes a number of bugs in the emulation core.
The Mac port got a lot of new features, including sound,
preferences, screenshots and japanese translation.
The Windows port has some updates as well with a new core supporting joystick.
Get them here.
Thank you for dear efforts releasing a new version of DeSmuMe!
But, I can’t download the Mac Version.
The link to download mac version always direct to the win version download link.
Please fix it and make us to enjoy your joyous work.
Working awesome on Leopard! Thanks for all the hard work!
MINT: Just follow the link on the news, and click on the “DeSmuME v0.8 Mac binary” link, it works, I just checked.
A bit later, No$gba gets about 70 % 80% or even a 100 % (2-d) in many games , however i will remember with care that “Desmume” was the first running NDS emulator , and this is also very important
good luck in your next projects…
Great. Good job!
that’s right, until now I have just seen 4 games not to work in the last no$gba :S I think your emulator has been stopped too long :S
Nice job, folks.
Guys, I won’t approve (or delete, if already approved) any comment concerning other emulators. I’ll leave the comments before this one untouched, but read this as a warning.
Very nicely done guys. Transparency has improved a lot. DBZ Supersonic Warriors looks pretty much perfect in battle now and compared to before that’s a huge improvement.
Finally!! I’ve been waiting for you guys to release a new version
Nice to have you back
Yes, the one place for DS emulation for mac users lives!
Hell of a great release guys! Works great on my Mac Mini PPC. Also works great on Ubuntu 7, but not on Fedora 7. Freezes most of the time and slows down my computer in Windows XP. Best emu (and only emu) for Mac OS X!!! Watch out iDeaS is catching up to you on Linux!
can pokemon d/p works perfect in this new update?
Toyz123: Nope, it doesn’t run.
A huge improvement since last time, indeed it doesn’t crash after loading a game, and moreover it is even able to run completly a game, just kidding. I must confess I was afraid you were going to give up after such a long time but the result is here. A nice job for the 3D support. The ultimate thing to do now is to improve the speed and then you’ll be able to be considered as the best NDS emulator running on the Internet. You did still a great job! Continue on that way and make us dream with a fast emulator!
Hi i have a mac g5 1.8 dual. i downloaded your new version but it does not work…there is a big slash on the icon. any help????
oic im happy desemu back in action again hope in your next update we can play pokemon d/p
and other 3d games
It’s pretty sad that No$gba fanboys have to try and rain on the parade here. The funny part is that since Desmune is free software (as in freedom), it is better than No$gba by default!
The people who are complaining here probably are mad because they gave money to the no$gba guy and he yelled at them or something (he comes across as a pretty angry guy).
thank you!
My biggest reason for cheering for DeSmuME is that, above all else, I value open-source emulators. Keep up the good work.
Great! finally a great emulator that works with MAC!!!
Shash,I will just say that you’re one hell of a great guy:)!Keep up the good work,and this emulator the best there is:)!Wish you all the best…
HSM: Are you sure you downloaded the latest version (.8.0) for mac? Also, what OS version are you running? The slash through the icon usually means finder thinks the program wont run on your computer for one reason or another.
A. Non: I couldn’t care less about other emulators, but refrain from talking about them here, I’ve already warned about that enough.
Nightwalker: You obviously don’t know me…
Muchas gracias!!!
Thank so much!!!
supernoob question: how do I access the keyboard config on Desmume vo.8? Thanks again for putting this out!
On the mac version, key bindings can currently only be changed on on the command line as described on the readme.
I just wanted to ask,does the release of a new version for DESMUME mean that now you will update it more frequently or not?Do not get angry,this is not a classic “when will you release the new version” question,I just want to now,will you shorten the time between new versions or we’ll wait for longer periods as with this version?Wish you all the best…
Nightwalker: Check the forums (general section) and you’ll probably find some information of your interest.
Thanks for the mac version guys, keep up the amazing work
When i try to open a rom in the mac version all i get is a blank white screen. then after a while it quits. how can i make it work???
Ed: It’s probably not compatible yet. If you’re on a PowerPC computer, compatibility is not as good.
Awesome, love the mac support (something which you no$gba haters dont understand), keep up the great work! Don’t listen to anyone telling you give up on the project.
“On the mac version, key bindings can currently only be changed on on the command line as described on the readme.”
Where’s the readme?
Sorry, it’s not very obvious atm: It’s inside of the app bundle (right click on the app to show contents) DeSmuME.app/Contents/Resources. Also online at
Any new low-end 2d games that can run close to full speed in DeSmuMe now? Japanese region games.
Linux/Gnu Pentium 4 2.4ghz,Ati rv350(9600), 512ram open-source drivers(performance not good with those drivers yet but the drivers are more stable) and very low 3d support.
I probably can’t play anything?
The best part of this emulator. Its support many type of format such as .zip .gz and .gba compare to other emulator. Then I try to open the .gba file cause the format is there but suddenly my pc went crash. Why?
It’s .ds.gba (or should be), it’s a format used to load DS games from the GBA slot, not support for GBA games, as DeSmuME is a DS only emulator (not a GBA one).
Thank you very much for your work and especially for the OS X port!! Awesome work, keep it up.
It is good, that after so long time someone released new version, but it is so slow…
Nice job, congratulations!
However, it is still unusable under Vista as the original resolution is not conserved. The window is strangely resized (problem with the menu?), so we have not a native 256×384 resolution. Consequently, the graphics are ugly, with black lines appearing.
If you resolve this problem, then you surely have the best DS emulator!
Hey, good work ^^ I thing your emulator is on a good way, to become better then no$Gba… The only big problem with your emu is the speed, but I thing you will be able to fix that. By the way, your emu is the only one that is able to Emulate the Inuyasha game, so, keep up the good work, and thanks ^^
Now if this could only play Pokemon Diamond and Pearl…….
Great Work!After about 1 year, there is finally a new update.I am glad that you decided to continue with the project as I think no$gba development has stopped. Here is what I have to say about the emulator:-
1)Everything works great, no bugs!
2)The colors in the emulator only correct themselves(while we are playing a game if we access any menu(such as file, emulation, view, config etc.)
3)The speed is the main problem. THIS IS THE MAIN THING WHICH HAS TO BE IMPROVED.
4)There have been loads of updates to this emulator now, KEEP WORKING!
THANK YOU very much for providing us with DS emulation!
I downloaded it but when I open a rom it says executing and it never plays anyone know how to help
Yes bob. The same thing happened to me. Help ???
bob, Izzwan: What game? We’re unable to help any of us with that “incredible” amount of information.
Of all the DS emulators I have tried, this is one of 2 that works, and is the only one that works remotely well.
However I have an issue. It starts BEAUTIFULLY then slows down until the sound is slow the game is sluggish and borderline crashes.
More Importantly, I am having trouble with saving states. Anytime I try to save a state OR load a state, the game will lock up and either must be harshly ended through task manager or crashes my computer to the point where I have to press my computer’s reset button.
I have found if you turn the sound off these issues disappear. (actually I pick the wrong sound device on purpose in the Config -> Sound Settings -> Sound Core settings to do so. I switch from WAV Write Sound Interface to Direct Sound Interface and this turns the sound off.)
The games I am playing are the Phoenix Wright games (1, 2, and 3) and I am Running Windows XP. I don’t want to be too specific about system specs, but I can run WoW at near full settings without it slowing my machine, I should hop it has more power than a DS. It is important I be able to save states because quite frankly I dont think you can save the game at the appropriate points in those games using the in game option when running an emulator. If you can, please tell me, and I will stop worrying about save states.
If my comment seems needlessly long and detailed, that is because I am in tech support and get irritated when people put in 4 words and expect me to figure out their problem and how to fix it.