The new things in this release are a Cocoa port and translations support for Gtk-glade port.
With the Cocoa port, Mac OS X users can now fully enjoy DeSmuME on their favorite system! The Mac port doesn’t yet have all the features of the other ports but should run all games with near same compatibility. (DeSmuME running on Mac OS X)
Translations are now available on three ports: Cocoa, Gtk-glade and Windows, feel free to send us new translations (there’s instructions on how to do it in README.TRANSLATION).
I am having a problem with the Ubuntu package: GTK and glade fail with “The error was ‘GLXBadContext’”. Cli works. GL games work. Why desmume doesn’t?
The emulater must be really good
I would be very disappointed if the emulater is not good cause ive been waitin for a reeeeeaalllllly long time.
nice. will it be able to play castlevania dawn of sorrow and portrait of ruin?
Has development stopped?
it will cause if that emulater can play super mario 64 it can play most of the 3d games i think………
Isnt castlenavia 2d?
George: No active developer is working on it, afaik. Don’t take this as official word, anyone can check the source repository commits and see.
Sorry, but… Damn, im having problems with leopard.
Process: DeSmuME [884]
Path: /Applications/DSMUME/
Identifier: com.DeSmuME. DeSmuME
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [100]
Date/Time: 2008-01-03 15:34:44.522 -0600
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.1 (9B18)
Report Version: 6
Exception Codes: 0×0000000000000002, 0×0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0
Dyld Error Message:
Symbol not found: _panel
Referenced from: /Applications/DSMUME/
Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
Hope this can help. Thanks
So no one’s working on DesMume right now?
Kibbitz: Read my comment above, I already wrote about that.
Well if its any consolation to the DeSmuMe staff, at least some people can play this version. Maybe when version 7.4 comes out I can play more roms, but I am in no hurry at all. Honestly, the staff does work that I wouldn’t be able to do unless someone showed me how.
Hopefully the next version will be easier to make, I wish the best for the staff and any other people who work on this project. Thank you for all your hard work.
Sorry, but… Damn, im having problems with leopard.
Process: DeSmuME [884]
Path: /Applications/DSMUME/
Identifier: com.DeSmuME. DeSmuME
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [100]
Date/Time: 2008-01-03 15:34:44.522 -0600
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.1 (9B18)
Report Version: 6
Exception Codes: 0×0000000000000002, 0×0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0
Dyld Error Message:
Symbol not found: _panel
Referenced from: /Applications/DSMUME/
Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
Hope this can help. Thanks
I am unable to download the non intel version of it. I’m anxious to try it when it is available.
hello, good emu.. the first i use and play comercial games… well i don’t have idea why no have new versions ¿what’s happen? =( well… no more versions? tell us please.
i wait you have ok of health and anything else.
well is time too say godbye.
ATT: Potter1124
Great Emulator for NDS
where can i download it??
i ald got it…y i cant run game???
well…. i think project is dead…..
JCmonX: As I already stated above, the project is stalled atm.
To the one/s referencing other emulators: I’ll just delete your comments, this is a web about desmume, and desmume ONLY. If you want to discuss other emulators there’s plenty of boards to do so.
will this emu ever be updated? :-/
xero: We don’t know. Please bother to read the comments before posting, I’ve already stated this at least 3 times.
I will write it too. It has been ages since last release. This project is abandoned or something ??
Bolo: Care to read my comments above, I’ve already stated the same a few times and I’m not willing to repeat my words.
I made it work on my Mac (OS X 10.5.2) but then I figured it can’t even play the Pokemon ROM’s
*sniffles* All I want is Pokemon support!
Thijs van Ham: The source code is there, just debug and support Pokemon roms yourself
If you’re unable to do so, then stop bugging us.
can we play digimon world ds on this version?
bullballs: Try it yourself, or check the compatibility list: don’t be lazy.
i trying it on 0.7.2….coz i dont know were to download 0.7.3 and i can say that its slow on 0.7.2
bullballs: 0.7.3 is “only” a MacOS port. Put frameskip to 0, if you still consider it slow, it’s as much as you’ll get from current official version.
Shash, just calm down… I feel you are a little bit angly now… (although this has been few days ago…)
For anyone who new here:
Please bother to read the comments above before posting, some of the question is already stated the same a few times and DON’T blame DeSmuME staff, if you want to play decent roms for free then just be patient and keep update the software, doing an Emulator is not as easy as you think… Just to remember, DeSmuME Staff is work free for you.
p/s: Megaman Star Force (U) is also Black Screen, Tsubasa Chronicle can run but with some graphic error, it’s not in the compatibility list, I only want to told you that, Shash.
wow its like a ghost town LOL oh well nothing new since the project has stoped =)
Trevor: The project has seen it’s share of updates lately. Not seeing an official release doesn’t mean that’s there’s no work being done on the CVS.
We don’t know. Please bother to read the comments before posting, I’ve already stated this at least 3 times.
Hello, I have to download desmume-0.7.3.tar and I really do not know
how to install it on my emac g4. really sympathetic somebody would
have known itself could help me by : ” ”
it doesn’t run on mac os x 5,2 leopard
The next version will likely run on Leopard. Until then, you can run it if you compile it on your system.
what kind of file of NDS’s rom? some files like *.nes? why can’t i load *.nes?
Kino: *.nes files are NES games, which is a totally different system…
I’m having trouble building this on OSX (Leopard), using the CVS code.
I’m just doing a standard / configure / make and while libdesmume and libgdbstub get built, the Cocoa app doesn’t.
configure reports this, which seems incorrect:
checking GL/gl.h usability… no
checking GL/gl.h presence… no
checking for GL/gl.h… no
checking GL/glu.h usability… no
checking GL/glu.h presence… no
checking for GL/glu.h… no
Any ideas?
I actually ended up just installing codeblocks instead and it built fine. As it turns out the desmume compatibility isn’t as good as no$gba so it’s back to virtualization I go for testing
i try to port to sarge brand and make a package, desmune use libsdl 1.2.7 or above 1.2.9?
where is download?
j.duk: On downloads tab, on main page ( Keep in mind that 0.7.3 is MacOS only, as it’s main change was that port
shash: Did you notice that mc_reset_com is constantly invoked for the firmware chip from ARM7? Is this the expected behaviour?
It seems to be invoked for SPICNT=0x8a01 and SPICNT=0×8201 alternatively ad infinitum (touchscreen/microphone?).
I don’t currently understand the logic behind REG_SPICNT handling in desmume. Why should it reset the firmware even when the firmware is not addressed? Is this alternating 0x8a01 and 0×8201 normal? According to dstek it doesn’t make sense to me (switching between single and continuous transfer mode constantly?)
BTW, I’m speaking of desmume 0.7.3 as shipped with Debian GNU/Linux.
Thanks for your work on the only free DS emulator around.
I am VERY disappointed with this app. It just quits unexpectedly on startup! If anyone knows how to fix this please write a reply! I will be watching the comments…
NexX: the Windows and Linux ports works flawlessly. The MacOS port has some problems, if you search in the forums, there’s a fixed build, iirc. Oh, and remember that we don’t own you anything, you got this for free, and we work for free: if you don’t like it, code yourself a better one.
Umm… That doesn’t make much sense… “we don’t own you anything,” but I’ll try to find something in the forums… 0_o
NexX: It does make sense, you should already know that you shouldn’t complain about something you got for free, it’s common education. That’s why I said that we didn’t own you anything: you got this for free.
I wasn’t complaining. This is complaining:
NexX: Whatever, you know where to look for the solution.
Paco: I’ll check it whenever I’ve free time.