For those who have been submitting bug reports, please please please keep it down to -one- bug per bug report. Also include what operating system you’re running and any other relevant information that would be helpful(like your computer specifications for example). Any bug reports that don’t follow these guidelines will most likely be deleted from now on.
Archive for December, 2006
Bug Reports
Sunday, December 31st, 2006New forums
Saturday, December 30th, 2006For those wanting to report not working games or just talk about DeSmuME, we opened up a new message board.
DeSmuME v0.5.0 released!
Saturday, December 23rd, 2006Well, it’s been a long, hard road since we started working on DeSmuME back in April. And now you too can enjoy the fruits of our labor.
So what’s new? The main things that were done were rewrites to the code(it’s now 100% C code, compiles and runs on 64-bit compilers, and is almost big endian safe), FAT/CompactFlash emulation, framebuffer emulation, sound emulation, backup memory emulation, and save states.
Anyways, the source, windows binary, and linux binary are all available on the downloads page. Merry Christmas